Building Permanence
In 2004 TLT opened the doors of the Field Station to house TLT's Shorebird Monitor/
Naturalist. Landowners and conservation partners joined TLT for a potluck celebration of the
lasting endorsement for conservation stewardship and education. Seven additional researchers
stayed at the Field Station during the season while they were conducting multi-day research and
stewardship projects. Researchers are charged a nominal rental fee that helps to offset operating
costs of the Field Station.
The AguaFund, Inc. awarded TLT a generous $10,000 grant for
operating expenses. Additionally, their $5,000 capacity building grant, and that of another very generous donor, challenged TLT to encourage new
members to join and current members to increase their level of giving. Many rose to the challenage,
and TLT welcomed 13 new members, 16 people with lapsed membership who rejoined, and 14 donors who increased their level of contribution.
We wholeheartedly thank all donors for their support of Tuckernuck conservation and assure them that their
generosity is vital to our continued efforts.